'Slowing down in Itoshima' is the result of an artist in residence in April 2024 in Itoshima (Kyushu, Japan) at Studio Kura.
'Memories from Itoshima': After the artist in residence in April 2024 I have continued visualising experiences and memories of my time in Itoshima (Kyushu, Japan) in drawings and paintings.
Slowing down in itoshima
Artist statement
With my work I try to visualize the charm of everyday rural Japan in intimate personal work that tells a story. My experiences during my time in Itoshima are expressed through drawing, painting, photographing, writing and collage.
In Itoshima I tried to let go of notions of time and pressure and enjoy the everyday, savouring every moment however small and living day by day. Slowing down can allow for a renewed focus on happiness, beauty and gratitude for (our) life and more attention to our body and environment.
In my work I have tried in several ways to capture the beauty and charm of everyday life in Itoshima. Re-occuring themes are the healing power of nature, Shinto and the charm that can be found in daily (seemingly mundane) moments.
Through the work I would like to open a dialogue in what it means to slow down and to live in harmony with your body and nature.
In 2020 I developed the chronic illness Long Covid after a covid infection. Slowing down and savouring every moment while being chronically ill, I hope that my work can also be a message of comfort and hope to the many people that are struggling with their physical and mental health after a covid infection, or who have another chronic illness that impacts their freedom and every day and choice they make.
Sounds of Itoshima / 糸島の音
Slow down with the soundscape ‘Sounds of Itoshima’.
Recorded in April 2024 during Artist in Residence at Studio Kura, Itoshima, Japan. Listen to the sea, the frogs at night in the rice paddies, the rain, the birds singing, the daily broadcasts in the countryside (for the farmers in the fields, for the children to signal them to go home after school) and more.
This soundscape starts in the morning and ends at night, a compilation of the sounds you can find in Itoshima.
Torii and rocks, 2024. 12.5 x 17.5 cm. Gouache, coloured pencil and Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. Frame: 20 x 25 cm SOLD
A day at the beach, 2024. 27 x 24 cm. Gouache, coloured pencil and Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens on Shikishi board. Frame: 28 x 35 cm. SOLD
Boundless, 2024. 22 x 30 cm. Gouache, coloured pencil and Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. Frame: 30 x 40 cm € 480
Serenity, 2024. 37 x 27.5 cm. Gouache, coloured pencil and Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. Frame: 40 x 50 cm SOLD
memories from itoshima
After the artist in residence in april 2024 I have continued visualising experiences and memories of my time in Itoshima in drawings and paintings.
Spring at Ikisan station, 2024. 10 x 15 cm. From the series 'Memories from Itoshima'. Coloured pencil, Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens, ink brush pen on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. €180 including high quality frame (18x24 cm).
God stone (Shinseki), 2024. 15 x 10 cm. From the series 'Memories from Itoshima'. Coloured pencil, Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens, ink brush pen on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. €180 including high quality frame (18x24 cm).
Curved mirror, 2024. 15 x 10 cm. From the series 'Memories from Itoshima'. Coloured pencil, Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens, ink brush pen on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. €180 including high quality frame (18x24 cm).
Quiet Reflections, 2024. 10 x 15 cm. From the series 'Memories from Itoshima'. Collage. Coloured pencil, Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens, ink brush pen on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. € 125 (including frame 18x24 cm).
Upward Pathway, 2024. 44 x 32 cm. From the series 'Memories from Itoshima'. Gouache, coloured pencil and Akashiya Sai watercolour brush pens on Fabriano 200 gram cold press watercolour paper. Euro 750, including high-quality frame. (650 without framing).
From my diary during my artist in residence in Itoshima at Studio Kura (9-04-2024): "Vlak achter ons huis loopt een pad steil omhoog en ontvouwt zich een bamboe bos met al na een paar passen een stenen torii. Harde wind slaat om zich heen, overal geknakte bamboe. Een wonderschoon maar onheilspellend tafereel met het metershoge groene riet dat om mij heen wild heen en weer zwiept. ''Death by bamboo''. Dat moeten we niet hebben.
Voorzichtig vervolg ik mijn weg, begeleid door het constante geluid van de bewegende bamboe. Na een betoverende opwaartse klim verandert het landschap in een vlak en dichtbegroeid bos vol kronkelende bomen. Verstopt achter de takken is ver beneden de zee en een glimp kustlijn te zien. De wind is gaan liggen. Het pad echter schiet haast verticaal omhoog. Maar dan, - eindelijk -, bovenop een kleine heuvel, de schrijn.
Gulzig drink ik mijn waterfles leeg en kom op adem. De zon breekt door. Dansende lichtvlekken. Zittend neem ik alles in mij op. Behoedzaam start ik met de afdaling, stap voor stap.''